Success Stories
Approval of revised parking ratios and electric vaults in Arlington County, VA
Approval of outdoor cafes at Ballston Quarter in Arlington County, VA
Local Updates
Arlington County
Studying methods to create more "missing middle" housing stock is a continuing priority. Recent hearings have continued to explore the issue.
City of Fairfax
The City launched a new Long-Range Planning Efforts Implementation Map, allowing interested parties to track the City's implementation of its 2035 Comprehensive Plan, Small Area Plans recommendations, and new developments.
City of Alexandria
The City released its latest draft plan concept for the Arlandria Chirilagua Plan, which will be heard by the Planning Commission on November 4 and the City Council on November 13. Property owners, developers, and other parties interested in the Arlandria Chirilagua area should follow the approval process to stay up to date on the latest development recommendations within this area.
Prince William County
An expansion of the ability to locate distribution and fulfillment centers is set for a public hearing on October 5. Owners and operators of industrial property should be aware of and prepared to comment on these changes.
District of Columbia
In October, the Zoning Commission will consider a set of zoning text amendments that would revise the penthouse regulations in the District. Penthouses are commonly included on new buildings or added to existing buildings to take advantage of additional density and height and also to add rooftop amenities. The proposed new regulations aim to make technical changes to the existing penthouse requirements and exemptions in the City, clarify the existing regulations, and expand the applicability of the Inclusionary Zoning program to apply to certain penthouse projects.
The latest revisions to the Comprehensive Plan became law in late August, following conclusion of a 30-day congressional review period. Landowners and developers should consult the adopted Comprehensive Plan for guidance on recommended land uses and development potential.
The District is also making progress on a series of Small Area Plans that will supplement the Comprehensive Plan with more targeted neighborhood-level guidance. Throughout the summer and fall months, the District has organized a series of virtual and in-person engagement sessions and town hall meetings to solicit community feedback.