It has been another exciting year in the deployment of hydrogen to decarbonize the U.S. economy. In honor of National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day, which was established in 2015 and falls annually on October 8 to reflect the atomic weight of hydrogen (~1.08 u), Venable's attorneys offer this update on the state of hydrogen work at the firm. Venable's attorneys and advisors are more involved than ever in counseling businesses and policymakers on the regulation of hydrogen and the development of the U.S. hydrogen economy.
Hydrogen Transportation Regulation
Venable's Energy Practice Group has continued to work on the burgeoning field of hydrogen pipeline regulation, expanding the practice to work on other aspects of hydrogen transportation, including by rail, truck, and marine vessel. Showcasing the breadth and depth of the group's relevant experience in this sector, counsel Joseph Hicks has engaged in a debate on hydrogen pipeline regulation at the Energy Bar Association Mid-Year Energy Forum and will be presenting about hydrogen transportation regulation at the American Bar Association Section on Environmental and Energy Regulation Annual Conference on October 12 at 1:30 pm.
Hydrogen Americas Summit and Exhibition
Venable's attorneys attended the annual Hydrogen Americas Summit and Exhibition in Washington, DC, participating in discussions about the latest developments in hydrogen law and technology and meeting participants in the hydrogen economy from around the world. The Hydrogen Americas Summit and Exhibition seeks to bring together hydrogen producers, policymakers, regulators, and representatives from the finance sector in an effort to solve problems and accelerate the deployment of hydrogen in the U.S. economy.
Representing Hydrogen Producers on Capitol Hill
Joining the firm this year, Venable attorney James Barnette, member of the Public Policy Group, represents the hydrogen industry's interests on Capitol Hill. Jim continues to engage with Congress on permitting and other matters of consequence to the hydrogen industry.
Investment in Company Producing eFuels for the Aviation Sector
This year saw numerous large investments in the hydrogen economy aimed at deploying hydrogen in various technologies related to green energy technology. In addition to its use in fuel cells, hydrogen can be combined with sequestered carbon dioxide to produce synthetic hydrocarbons, which are known throughout the industry as "efuels." This year, Eric Smith and Venable's Baltimore corporate team represented a French private equity fund, SWEN Capital Partners, in their major investment in Arcadia eFuels with the goal of constructing efuels facilities to supply jet efuel to the aviation industry. This deal represents the cutting edge of sustainable finance investment and the latest in the evolution in the hydrogen economy.