Denver, CO

In 2024, Venable entered the Mountain Time Zone with the opening of an office in Denver. With a clientele that includes global companies, family-owned businesses, and individuals, we have deep experience handling a full range of commercial litigation and IP matters and advising on a comprehensive array of labor and employment laws at the local, state, and federal levels.

Geographically positioned halfway between our Chicago and California offices, our Denver team provides expanded coverage for our clients in industries as diverse as manufacturing, aerospace, mining and energy, tourism, technology, and healthcare.

The attorneys who started the Denver office came to us from an acclaimed regional law firm that is the oldest in the city, going back more than 130 years. These deep local roots and ties to the area provide a solid foundation for Venable to grow its presence in the region and make a positive impact in the Denver community through the Venable Foundation and pro bono work.


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