John was part of a team serving as special litigation counsel to the Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Title III debtors in the Puerto Rico insolvency proceedings (PROMESA), involving the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Electric and Power Authority, Employees Retirement System, and the Highways and Transportation Authority.
A frequent lecturer on bankruptcy and creditors’ rights issues, John was a co-chairman of the South Florida Court and U.S. Trustee Liaison Committee. He also served on the Florida Federal Judicial Nominating Commission from 2009 to 2013 and was elected to the board of directors for the Bankruptcy Bar Association for the Southern District of Florida. John is a member of the American Bankruptcy Institute, Bankruptcy Bar Association, National Association of Federal Equity Receivers, Cuban American Bar Association, and the National Italian American Bar Association.
John was a founding director of the Florida Fiduciary Forum. He co-authored “Rash Ruling Should Not Affect Chapter 11 Valuations” and “Breakout the D&O Policy” in the National Law Journal.
He is also active with the University of Miami School of Law, Florida International University College of Law, Ohio Northern University, and Siena College in supporting military veterans. He earned his bachelor of science in business, magna cum laude, from Siena College in 1976, after serving in the U.S. Army.
Chambers USA has described John as a “formidably skilled individual,” and “tough as nails when fighting to get a solution.”