Venable partner Tom Quinn was quoted in a March 5, 2013 article in The Hill on an expected rebound in lobbying work over the coming year. With Congress turning its attention to big issues like immigration, gun control, and possibly tax reform, many leading lobbyists see an increase in work.
With lawmakers returning to “traditional work” such as committee hearings and markups for major legislation, Quinn said he expects to see a boost in traditional lobbying work. “When the earmarks were banned and regular order trailed off, you will notice the revenue fell off, too,” Quinn added. “Once regular order comes back, I think there will be better business.”
With lawmakers returning to “traditional work” such as committee hearings and markups for major legislation, Quinn said he expects to see a boost in traditional lobbying work. “When the earmarks were banned and regular order trailed off, you will notice the revenue fell off, too,” Quinn added. “Once regular order comes back, I think there will be better business.”