Venable partner Ashley Craig was quoted in the September 2014 issue of Security Management magazine on efforts to improve and modify security regulations in the shipping industry. The article cites the trade partnership program known as the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) as an example of industry and government collaboration on security regulations. Member companies, mostly ocean carriers, of C-TPAT had to demonstrate a strong commitment to security to get certified and as a result, are considered low risk and are less likely to have their shipments examined.
“It’s still not quite where it needs to be to where it encompasses all actors,” Craig said of the C-TPAT program which only covers imports. With some arguing for expansion to cover exports, Craig points to the challenge of getting stakeholders from every industry niche to the negotiating table. “Other sectors [outside large ocean shippers] in the supply chain have been at the table at times, not at the table at times, and not invited to the table at times.” Another challenge is whether the federal government will allocate adequate funding for expansion. “That’s something I don’t think anyone in town can forecast,” said Craig.
“It’s still not quite where it needs to be to where it encompasses all actors,” Craig said of the C-TPAT program which only covers imports. With some arguing for expansion to cover exports, Craig points to the challenge of getting stakeholders from every industry niche to the negotiating table. “Other sectors [outside large ocean shippers] in the supply chain have been at the table at times, not at the table at times, and not invited to the table at times.” Another challenge is whether the federal government will allocate adequate funding for expansion. “That’s something I don’t think anyone in town can forecast,” said Craig.