Jonathan Pompan was quoted in Bloomberg Law on April 18, 2018, in an article about the new CFPB political appointee, Thomas Pahl, overseeing the CFPB's Division of Research, Markets, and Regulation and how he could potentially re-structure debt collection rulemaking.
CFPB Director, Mick Mulvaney, has indicated the agency could move forward with reforming debt collection rulemaking and most observers believe the bureau will take a different approach under Mulvaey than under former CFPB Director, Richard Cordray.
"Pahl's return and new management at the top may help the debt collection industry and consumers, because now there's the potential for a renewed focus on moving forward with sensible and balanced rules that stakeholders can support," Mr. Pompan said.
CFPB Director, Mick Mulvaney, has indicated the agency could move forward with reforming debt collection rulemaking and most observers believe the bureau will take a different approach under Mulvaey than under former CFPB Director, Richard Cordray.
"Pahl's return and new management at the top may help the debt collection industry and consumers, because now there's the potential for a renewed focus on moving forward with sensible and balanced rules that stakeholders can support," Mr. Pompan said.