June 18, 2010 - 10:00 AM - 10:55 AM ET

"Protecting and Promoting Your Brand: Using IP Effectively" at InventHelp's Invention and New Product Exposition

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Monroeville Convention Center
Monroeville, PA

Whether you have just an idea, have developed a prototype or are ready to market, this information-packed session will discuss the many facets of Intellectual Property law (IP) that successful businesses use to promote and protect their brand and their products. Session leaders Roger Colaizzi and Mary Ellen Himes will discuss the different kinds of IP and how to use them in marketing and advertising, including:

Patent law

  • Obtaining a patent,
  • The different kinds of patents,
  • What protection is available to an inventor at different stages of the patent acquisition.


  • Applying for trademarks
  • Trademark protection with and without a registered mark
  • Protecting and policing your mark
  • Building your Brand - using your mark

Trade Dress

  • Registering your Trade Dress
  • Package vs. Product trade dress - important legal differences
  • Patent vs. Trade Dress - are they mutually exclusive?


  • Copyright protection
  • Importance of registering
  • An Idea vs. the Expression


  • Using your IP in advertising - do's and don'ts
  • Substantiating your advertising claims