Jonathan Pompan will be a panelist and speaking on student loans, the student debt crisis, and consumer financial protection bureau related issues at the Higher Education and Consumer Finance Policy Conference sponsored by TJ Strategies. The session is entitled, "Consumer Financial Protection: Where do Education-Related Consumer Protection Issues fit within the Broader Agenda for Consumer Protection?”
Rohit Chopra, the CFPB’s Student Loan Ombudsman, will be speaking at the event, as will folks from the FTC and key Congressional offices. The conference is going be attended by investors and policymakers.
Key topics for discussion include:
- How will the CFPB, State AGs, Congress, and the White House alter policies toward debt collectors and student loan servicers?
- What is the consumer protection agenda with regards to non-bank financial services companies, including payday lenders, installment lenders, and other specialty finance companies?
- What are the options for new rules on student debit cards? Is the market for education finance tools such as debit cards a competitive market?
- What are the policy options for the CFPB and Department to provide students with more choice when it comes to education finance?
Jonathan L. Pompan, Venable LLP
Corey Frayer – Senior Policy Adviser, Representative Brad Miller
Matthew Lapinski – Principal, SNR Denton
Peter Vander Nat – Economist, FTC Bureau of Economics
Graham Steele – Financial Services Staffer, Senator Sherrod Brown