Judicial and regulatory interpretations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) continue to evolve and cause real and perceived restrictions on how debt collectors may contact consumers by telephone. As a result, many debt collectors shy away from certain uses of technology and telephone communication out of concern for avoiding regulatory action or class action lawsuits. But by failing to use such technology, debt collectors sometimes neglect tools that can be enormously helpful in carrying out their business purpose. This session will explore the current state of the TCPA landscape, including the recent declaratory ruling by the Federal Communications Commission, and current case law that pertain to debt collectors ability to use modern technology to reach consumers. This session will also include the top questions every debt collector should ask to help explore and debunk some of the most common misconceptions in this area.
Jonathan L. Pompan, Partner, Venable LLP
Daniel L. Silverman, Partner, Venable LLP