Update: This event has already occurred. Please click above to view the webinar. To view all of our recorded webinars, please visit our Venable LLP YouTube channel.
Please join Venable LLP for a complimentary webinar on "Election-Year Political Activity: A Primer for Financial Services Providers". The 2016 election cycle is in full swing, and major changes to the financial services regulatory landscape, including the Dodd-Frank Act and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), could turn on the outcome of the election. Whether your company wants to play a role in the election or your executives are personally supporting candidates, it’s important to understand the rules.
Hosting candidate appearances, fundraising from employees and business contacts, and allowing fundraisers to be held on company premises are all subject to regulation. Personal contributions by executives can cause your company to lose government contracts or be barred from receiving future contracts. And the rules vary from city to city, and from one state to another. Failure to institute appropriate compliance measures can lead to fines, bad publicity, or even criminal liability.
Join two seasoned political law attorneys who will discuss the role your company can play, how your executives can be involved, and how to navigate the state and federal pay-to-play minefield. Learn how to set up and operate a PAC, what a super PAC is and who can give to one, how to host a candidate appearance or fundraiser, and how you can get your employees involved in issue advocacy or political campaigns.
Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and will receive a copy of the presentation and other materials following the live event.
Ronald M. Jacobs, Esq., Partner and Co-Chair of Venable’s Political Law Group, Venable LLP
Lawrence H. Norton, Esq., Partner and Co-Chair of Venable’s Government Division, Venable LLP
Jonathan L. Pompan, Esq., Partner and Co-Chair Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Task Force, Venable LLP