Welcome to the first issue of WAVe's newsletter, Making Waves. WAVe, Venable's affinity group for our female attorneys, clients, and friends, regularly hosts networking events and workshops for our members that support the advancement of women professionals. Going forward, we will be sending quarterly updates looking back at highlights from previous WAVe programs, information about upcoming events, and news about our ongoing efforts to expand Venable's diversity and inclusion initiatives. We look forward to your feedback and to seeing you at future evenings with WAVe.
Mastering Your Body Language and Professional Destiny – Five Tips to Get You Started
The "shrug," the "pop," and the "hand steeple" – can mastering these power moves help you reach the C-suite? At one of WAVe's recent professional development events, body language expert Janine Driver made a compelling case for the importance of recognizing and mastering nonverbal communication. In her dynamic and interactive presentation, Driver offered insightful advice on how to "think like a hostage negotiator," "how to be effective, not just right," and how to use your body language to your advantage.
Building a Better Workplace and Becoming a Master of Inclusion
The summer Diversity and Inclusion reception highlighted LGBTQ pioneers who paved the way for more inclusive and representative workplaces. Featured speaker Elizabeth Birch also commented on the state of the legal industry and the work law firms need to undertake in order to make diversity and inclusion a priority at all levels.
Venable Awarded for Its Gender Equality Efforts Two Years Running
For the second time, Venable has been awarded Gold Standard Certification by the Women in Law Empowerment Forum (WILEF). Venable was among just 45 firms that met or exceeded WILEF's criteria for women in leadership positions and female equity partners. The award is further evidence of Venable's commitment to advancing women professionals.
Advancing Women of Color – Venable Hosts the Women's Bar Association's Dare to Make an Impact Conference
A first of its kind, the Dare to Make an Impact conference showcased the pressing need to address barriers to entry and advancement for women of color in the legal profession. Law firm leaders and speakers from a variety of industries came together at Venable to share the creative strategies and tactics they are employing to help women of color overcome obstacles to their professional success. The program served as an "important reminder" of the active role law firms must play in advancing opportunities for all minorities.