April 19, 2021 | Bar Association of San Francisco blog

Chipping Away at Single-Family Zoning

1 min

On April 9, 2021, Sarah Hoffman published “Chipping Away At Single-Family Zoning” on the Bar Association of San Francisco blog. The following is an excerpt:

For decades, San Francisco’s rate of housing production has lagged behind demand, leading to skyrocketing prices and widespread displacement.  One of the most effective and affordable strategies to increase the housing stock is to allow single-family homes to be converted into multiple smaller units.  However, San Francisco’s zoning laws present a barrier to this strategy, allowing only single-family homes or duplexes in most of the city.  This means that multifamily housing is built mostly in lower income neighborhoods such as SoMA and the Mission, while prices in low density residential zones continue to climb.  These “exclusionary zoning” rules have stifled residential development and fueled the housing affordability crisis across the Bay Area.

Click here to access the article.