We are excited to launch the firm's inaugural pro bono newsletter during the 2023 National Celebration of Pro Bono, and share updates on our pro bono program. Here, we'll highlight recent pro bono achievements, shine a light on the important work we're doing, and share information on how you can get involved.
Venable has long recognized the importance of providing first-rate legal representation to those unable to afford a lawyer, and we encourage every attorney to devote their time and diverse talents, on a pro bono basis, to improving their communities and the lives of others.
Please contact Tina Goldy to learn about opportunities to participate. Not only will you make a difference in someone's life and in our communities, but you will gain rewarding, real-world experience.
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An Evening to Recognize Attorneys Who Give Back to Their Communities
At its annual reception, Venable's Pro Bono Committee announced the winners of the 2023 Benjamin R. Civiletti Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year Awards. This year, the firm honored the contributions of associates Christopher Brown, Christopher Conn, and Jonathan Hettleman, and former partner Seth Rosenthal.
Organization Spotlight: The National Compassion Fund
Paralegals Donate Their Time to Help Mass Shooting Victims and Survivors
In the aftermath of a mass casualty event, communities often set up survivors' funds to accept donations. These funds are difficult to police, and well-meaning people can easily become victims of scammers. The National Compassion Fund establishes funds that are professionally administered and ensures that 100% of donations go to the people most affected by the tragedy.
Recent News
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Venable Honored at ABA Death Penalty Representation Project's Volunteer Recognition & Awards Program
On September 14, Venable associate Jonathan Hettleman accepted the ABA Death Penalty Representation Project's Exceptional Service Award in recognition of the firm's work vacating three convictions and the death sentence of inmate Kenneth Lighty.
Venable Attorneys Secure Humanitarian Asylum for Pro Bono Client and Her Children
San Francisco associates Whitney Tolar and Mona Mujaddidi secured a grant of humanitarian asylum for a Guatemalan woman of indigenous Mayan descent. She faced persistent and systematic sexual and physical violence in her home country because of her race, ethnicity, and inclusion in particular social groups.
Venable Ranks in the 2023 Am Law Pro Bono Scorecard
The Pro Bono Scorecard is the definitive ranking of pro bono efforts across Am Law 200 firms, tracking the total number of pro bono hours performed, the average number of hours per lawyer, and the number of lawyers who performed more than 20 hours of pro bono service for the year.
Upcoming Events
October 22-28: 2023 National Celebration of Pro Bono
This year's theme is "Voices of Democracy: Ensuring Justice for All."