November 06, 2023 | International Law Office

Right of Publicity in the United States

1 min

A.J. Zottola, partner, and Channing Gatewood, associate, of Venable's IP Transactions Practice Group published an article in International Law Office (ILO), "Right of Publicity in the United States" on November 6, 2023. The following is an excerpt:

Social media has confirmed that there is no need to be a celebrity to profit from one's own image. The right of an individual to control the economic use and exploitation of their identity is called "the right of publicity". In most states, this right extends to an individual's name, image and likeness. It can serve as a legal tool to recognise and secure an individual's financial interest in their identity. So, what
does the right of publicity protect? And how can one make a case for or against a violation of this right?

The full article can be accessed here.