Industry professionals discuss the challenges of demonstrating compliance, and being caught between a rock and a hard place during federal or state exams; their top exam and vendor management challenges; and what makes a successful exam; plus a look inside the CFPB's examination playbook and enforcement process for investigations, and why they’re important. It's challenging to respond to an increasingly demanding regulatory landscape, risk management, and expectations for the bottom line. Regardless of whether you’re buying, selling, or servicing, this session will offer practical advice and discuss ways debt buyers can continue to thrive.
This session will cover:
- Observations from the trenches of investigations
- CFPB's current modus operandi and tea leaf reading on future
- Tips for surviving regulatory scrutiny including exploration of:
- Vendor management strategies
- Getting the most out of your risk assessment
- Creating fluid systems
- The importance of the accessibility and transfer of information
Jonathan L. Pompan, Esq., Partner and Co-chair of the Consumer Financial Services, Venable LLP
Greg Woodford, RAzOR Capital
Click here for more information and to register for the RMA Summit.