Session #1: When It's All Over but the Shouting: How to Identify and Avoid Ethical Pitfalls during Settlement Negotiations
As more cases are resolved through settlement, it is important to understand how you can negotiate settlement without falling into an ethical quagmire. What can you say (or not say) to opposing counsel? What terms of a proposed settlement are unethical? This presentation will discuss the ethical pitfalls to avoid during settlement negotiations.
CLE Credit: 1
Mary Gardner, Associate, Venable LLP
Liz Clark Rinehart, Associate, Venable LLP
Session #2: You Can't Always Get What You Want: Impact of Credit Bureau on Marketers Facing an FTC Investigation
The 7th Circuit's decision in FTC v. Credit Bureau was a game-changer: overturning decades of precedent, stymieing the FTC's ability to seek money in federal court, and creating a circuit split. The decision is already impacting FTC investigations, but it also creates some questions: Will other circuits follow suit? Will the Supreme Court weigh in? Will Congress address the FTC's Section 13(b) authority? Marketers in every industry will want to hear the latest insights from our experienced FTC practitioners.
CLE Credit: 1
Len Gordon, Partner, Venable LLP
Shahin Rothermel, Associate, Venable LLP