January 2014

Venable's Credit Counseling and Debt Services Digest

2 min

Below is a list of the best of our credit- and debt-related legal articles and presentations published or delivered by our attorneys in the second half of 2013. We have put together some very interesting and useful materials that should be of help to your organization as you tackle the always challenging array of legal issues facing credit- and debt-related service providers.

To read any of these articles, alerts, or presentations, please click on the title.

CFPB Enforcement Uses UDAAP to Put Focus on State Law Compliance (Article)

CFPB Issues Fall 2013 Regulatory Agenda (Article)

Money Spent on Marketing Financial Products Beats Financial Education (Article)

Preparing for a CFPB Examination or Investigation (Presentation)

Preventing Fraud and Embezzlement in Your Nonprofit Organization (Article)

Continued CFPB Scrutiny of Credit Card Market; Focus Turns to Disclosures (Article)

CFPB Enforcement Attorneys Cross Trained on Exam Techniques (Article)

CFPB Compliance Myths That Deserve Debunking (Article)

Building and Protecting Your Association's Brand in Social Media: Managing the Legal Pitfalls (Presentation)

What to Know about CFPB Supervision and Examination (Article)

Credit Counseling: Obstacles to Innovation and Path to Consumer Empowerment (Presentation)

Advertising and Marketing Law Fundamentals for Consumer Financial Products and Services (Presentation)

Upcoming Events

April 2, 2014: Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies 21st Annual Conference

June 12-13, 2014: "The Latest CFPB, FTC, and State Regulatory Developments" at the Association of Credit Counseling Professionals (ACCPros) Spring 2014