Below is a list of the best of our Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)-related legal articles and presentations published in the first quarter of 2014 by our attorneys. We have put together some very interesting and useful materials that should be of help to your organization as you tackle the challenging array of legal issues surrounding CFPB compliance. Also, we have included a list of upcoming events where Venable attorneys will be speaking on CFPB matters.
To read any of these articles, alerts, or presentations, please click on the title.
CFPB’s Nashville Field Hearing on "Payday" Lending: Not What They Expected (Article)
CFPB Seeks Input on Proposed Model Forms for Prepaid Cards (Article)
Appeals Court Liberally Interprets Credit Repair Statute (Article)
Gainful Employment Rule and Student Loan Debt Counseling: A Perfect Match? (Article)
On Deck, Telemarketing Sales Rule Regulatory Review (Article)
Lessons for Marketers from the CFPB Attack on For-Profit Education (Article)
(Another) RESPA Enforcement and How to Self-Report (Article)
Getting Ready for August 2015: What Is a Mortgage Application? (Article)
Up Next: HMDA! (Article)
Private Sector Schools and Third-Party Student Recruitment under FTC and CFPB Scrutiny (Article)
Top 10 Considerations in Litigating against the CFPB (Article)
What to Look for in 2014 – CFPB Regulatory Outlook (Article)
How the CFPB's Supervisory and Enforcement Functions Work Together (Article)
CFPB 2014 Regulatory Outlook: Nonbanks (Presentation) (Recording Available)
Upcoming Events
April 11, 2014: "What Is Big Data All About?" for the Business Law Section of the State Bar of California, Financial Institutions Committee
April 29, 2014: "Advertising and Marketing/UDAAP Compliance Duties," Consumer Data Information Association (CDIA) Teleseminar
May 5, 2014: "Consumer Financial Protection Bureau" at the Executive Enterprise Institute (EEI) Retail Payments Institute
June 12-13, 2014: "The Latest CFPB, FTC, and State Regulatory Developments" at the Association of Credit Counseling Professionals (ACCPros) Spring 2014