Below is a list of the best of our credit- and debt-related legal articles and presentations published or delivered by our attorneys in the first half of 2014. We have put together some very interesting and useful materials that should be of help to your organization as you tackle the always challenging array of legal issues facing credit- and debt-related service providers.
To read any of these articles, alerts, or presentations, please click on the title.
CFPB Debt Collection (Regulation F) Rulemaking FAQs (Article)
CFPB Seeks Comment on the Use of Mobile Financial Services (Article)
CFPB Issues Spring Regulatory Agenda (Article)
Navigating CFPB, FTC and State Attorneys General Consumer Protection Investigations (Presentation) (Recording Available)
Court Expands Reach of Credit Repair Statute (Article - free registration required)
Appeals Court Liberally Interprets Credit Repair Statute (Article)
Gainful Employment Rule and Student Loan Debt Counseling: A Perfect Match? (Article)
On Deck, Telemarketing Sales Rule Regulatory Review (Article)
Private Sector Schools and Third-Party Student Recruitment under FTC and CFPB Scrutiny (Article)
Top 10 Considerations in Litigating against the CFPB (Article)
CFPB 2014 Regulatory Outlook: Nonbanks (Presentation) (Recording Available)
Upcoming Events
July 21, 2014, 2:00 p.m. ET: The CFPB at Year Three: A Look Back, and a Look Forward
Please join Venable for this complimentary CLE credit webinar.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) turns three on July 21, 2014. Created under Dodd-Frank, the CFPB has already made a lasting impact on the consumer protection legal landscape and in how consumer financial services providers do business. This panel discussion will examine both the Bureau's history and its future, and will include case studies and trivia. We'll discuss the formation of the CFPB; the use of its supervision, enforcement, and rulemaking authorities since it began operations in 2011; and what's on the horizon. Click here to register and for more information.
August 14, 2014: "Staying Current with Consumer Protection: Practical Lessons from Recent Enforcement Actions" at LeadsCon New York