August 2019

Higher Education Update

2 min

Venable Attorneys Share Key Takeaways Following 2019 National Association of College and University Attorneys (NACUA) Annual Conference

Several compelling issues were discussed at the recent NACUA Annual Conference. Our attorneys offer their keen insights into the potential merits of using restorative justice to handle sexual assault claims on campus; educational institutions' ongoing efforts to achieve pay parity; sensitivities around handling sexual misconduct allegations in religious environments; and strategies for dealing with legal challenges to scholarships and diversity initiatives that benefit women and minorities.

What We Learned at SUNY Spectrum

Fundamental changes may be under way for Title IX grievance procedures at educational institutions. Universities are grappling with extra measures to protect the privacy of transgender or non-gender-conforming students. A pending Supreme Court decision could fundamentally alter the employment discrimination landscape for the LGBTQI+ community. And, just in time for Stonewall's 50th anniversary, New York is expanding its LGBTQI+ protections. Our attorneys share what they learned about these pressing topics at last month's SUNY Spectrum.

A Federal Court Ruling in a Student Hazing Death Sets New Boundaries for Title IX Enforcement

Following the death of a young male student at Louisiana State University (LSU) in a hazing ritual, a federal court recently upheld the family's contention that the university is guilty of a Title IX violation. The suit argued that LSU had failed to address dangerously bad behavior at fraternities while imposing different discipline standards for sororities. The ruling represents a new departure in the application of Title IX protections, which prevent discrimination on the basis of sex at institutions that receive federal funding, and highlights the imperative for universities to apply their policies and practices equally.

Our Labor and Employment Tip of the Moment: New Anti-Sexual Harassment Requirements for New York State Employers

Effective October 9, 2019, employers in New York State must provide annual anti-sexual harassment training to all employees. Employers must also adopt a written sexual harassment policy that complies with certain minimum standards set by the state.