On May 8, 2024, the Zoning Commission for the District of Columbia published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to reduce parking requirements for publicly assisted affordable housing projects located near certain public transit. For certain developments, parking requirements would exempt the first 50 affordable dwelling units from requiring any parking.
The proposal would specifically lower parking requirements from 1 parking space per 3 dwelling units in excess of 4 dwelling units to 1 parking space per 3 affordable dwelling units in excess of 50 affordable dwelling units. To qualify, a development must meet all the following criteria:
- "The affordability of the multiple dwelling development must exceed the requirements of the [Inclusionary Zoning] program as specified in Subtitle C § 1001.6(a); and
- The property must be located within either a one-half mile (0.5 mi.) of a Metrorail station, a one-quarter mile (0.25 mi.) of streetcar line, or one-quarter mile (0.25 mi.) of a Priority Corridor Network Metrobus route as specified in Subtitle C § 702.1."
The D.C. Office of Planning stated this parking reduction is an appropriate balance and would lower the cost of government subsidies to affordable housing units, provide some off-street parking in many cases, optimize parking requirements on small properties, and enable more green space by reducing surface parking needs.
Final action on the proposed rulemaking is expected to occur within several months.
If you would like to talk about how the Commission's proposed rulemaking might affect you or your organization, contact Zach Williams, Jon Zator, or any of the attorneys in Venable's Land Use and Zoning or Real Estate Practice Groups.