We understand the complex legal, political, and economic challenges that Indian tribes, tribal businesses, and Alaska Native corporations often face in the United States. Our team’s reputation and professional relationships in Washington, DC, and throughout the country allow us to advance client interests before an administration and Congress increasingly focused on the impact of agency action and legislation on American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
For tribes, we provide advice on matters relating to governance and sovereignty, including fee-to-trust land acquisitions, Indian gaming, Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) contracting and compacting, natural resource development, reservation boundary disputes, treaty rights, tribal acknowledgment, and tribal sovereign immunity.
In addition, we help tribes, corporations, and state and local governments navigate complicated regulatory and jurisdictional issues present in Indian Country. We advise on opportunity zone investments, tax liability, and permitting requirements for infrastructure, energy, and commercial development projects, including compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Clean Water Act (CWA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA).
Throughout the pandemic, we have provided guidance to tribes on available government relief programs, including competitive federal grantmaking, loan guarantees, and litigation support, as well as access and allocation of funding through the American Rescue Plan Act and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
As a full-service law firm, and no matter how complex the issue, our deep experience in Indian law, government contracting, legislative and government affairs, litigation, regulatory compliance, and transactional matters has proved successful for our clients.