WAVe Presents: A Virtual Celebration of Women Who Inspire

As 2020 marks 100 years since women won the right to vote in the United States, Venable will present a virtual program to celebrate women who continue to inspire action. A roster of accomplished speakers will explore how our shared history of achievements can inform future progress, and how women can empower each other in the workplace. Stay tuned to Venable.com for a complete schedule and registration details. In the meantime, we invite you to explore our Women Who Inspire e-book.
Through Her Lens: An Evening with Sarah Ullman
With the presidential election approaching, we look back at our 2019 conversation with Sarah Ullman, founder of One Vote at a Time, which highlights the urgency of supporting a diverse slate of candidates and ensuring that all eligible voters are allowed to cast their ballots on election day.
Rethinking and Reshaping Allyship, Anti-Racism, and Racial Injustice
As part of Venable's Movements and Moments initiative, the Venable Success Network, our African American affinity group, compiled a resource guide of articles, books, podcasts, films, videos, and tv shows that explore past and present-day racism. Among those recommended are Peggy McIntosh's insightful article, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, and Courtney Ariel's forthright advice in a Soujourners Magazine feature, For Our White Friends Desiring to Be Allies. Books such as Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow, a groundbreaking analysis of the mass incarceration of millions of African Americans; Carol Anderson's White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide, a stunning account of the white anger that has fueled tensions in Ferguson and elsewhere; and 13th, the compelling Netflix documentary about slavery's legacy, were also shared.
A Conversation with Laurie Hasencamp on Her History of LGBTQ Activism and the Future of the Movement
As part of our Pride Month celebration, LGBTQ @ Venable hosted a poignant conversation with attorney Laurie Hasencamp, a gay rights advocate and ally who shared her experiences in the movement from both legal and personal standpoints. Laurie articulated the ways in which allies and those in positions of privilege have amplified the demand for equal rights and she looked ahead to the future of the movement.
A Conversation with National Geographic Editor in Chief Susan Goldberg
Venable partner Celeste Brecht, recently recognized among the Daily Journal's Top 40 Under 40, hosted a conversation with National Geographic Editor in Chief Susan Goldberg. The fascinating discussion focused on the changing depictions of women across the world and across time and on how women's progress intersects with the social issues we are currently tackling.