October 06 - 09, 2024


Venable Proudly Sponsors Association of Corporate Counsel’s 2024 Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee

This event has already occurred.
Music City Center (Convention Center)
Nashville, TN

Deeply committed to the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), Venable proudly continues to support the ACC Annual Meeting as a Silver Sponsor. We invite you to meet with us in Nashville, as several of our partners will attend, exhibit, and speak during this year’s meeting to share their insights and recommendations.

ACC's annual meeting is the world's largest gathering of the in-house counsel community and is a great professional development value. Attendees can earn a year's worth of CLE/CPD credit in just three days, exchange ideas with peers during networking events, and gather information from more than 100 law firms and legal service providers.

Our Speaking Engagements

Promotional Pricing: Do Your Deals Check Out?

Monday, October 7 | 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

Room: 209


Mary Gardner, Partner, Venable LLP

Angela Jackson, Director of Legal, Uber Canada Inc.

Jack Mecone, Associate General Counsel, Meta

Robert Turner, Partner, Bird & Bird LLP


Pricing strategies, including discounts, promotions, and strike-through pricing, may be an effective way to entice customers, but regulators across the globe are carefully monitoring such offers to ensure they are genuine and not misleading. By comparing rules in the EU, UK, and U.S., this session will cover topics such as discounted pricing, ancillary marketing claims, autorenewing online subscription, and example pricing plans. In light of increased fining powers for consumer law infringements in the EU, it is crucial for consumer businesses to be aware of the rules governing their promotional strategies to avoid the risk of heavy fines.


An Affinity for Affiliation: A Comedy on Creating Nonprofit-Related Entities

Monday, October 7 | 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm

Room: 209


Caroline Leary, Chief Operating Officer & General Counsel, Environmental Working Group

Rhonda Lees, Vice President & Senior Counsel, American Bankers Association

Catherine Livingston, Chief Legal Officer, AIR, the American Institutes for Research

Kristalyn Loson, Associate General Counsel, The Nature Conservancy

Janice Ryan, Partner, Venable LLP


It is becoming more and more common for nonprofit organizations to be related to for-profit or 501(c)(4) entities and vice versa, all of which come with their own legal challenges. Join this engaging and insightful session to delve into the practical how-to’s of creating related entities and sharing data, intellectual property, and even office space. Through an interactive skit, discover innovative strategies and best practices that will empower your nonprofit to maximize its impact and bring in more revenue for your for-profit to make a lasting impact in the charitable space.


DEI Pathfinders on the Obstacle Course of Pushback

Tuesday, October 8 | 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Room: 208


Tanya Bovee, Attorney at Law, Jackson Lewis P.C.

René Jovel, Deputy General Counsel and Director of Legal Operations, Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc

Yvette Politis, Chief Employment Counsel, RELX Group

Jennifer Reddien, Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer, Venable LLP


Research shows that corporations that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs have improved their performance across key areas, but DEI in the corporate landscape still faces challenges. This workshop will equip in-house attorneys with the knowledge and tactics necessary to conquer these hurdles. Explore the latest political and legal developments that threaten DEI initiatives, gain insights from industry experts, and enhance your in-house practitioner skills. Boost your confidence through interactive exercises and guided discussions rooted in real-world scenarios.


Emerging Relations in Supply Chain Transparency

Tuesday, October 8 | 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Room: Karl Dean Ballroom C


Elizabeth Lowe, Partner, Venable LLP

Madison Obstarczyk, Associate General Counsel, American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.

Steven Smart, Associate General Counsel, Compliance, Enerflex Ltd.

Molly Stark, General Counsel & Secretary, Rainforest Alliance, Inc.


As the global supply chain regulation environment continues to evolve, companies and their in-house counsel will need to enhance their supplier due dilligence processes in order to maintain compliance. Join this session to discuss the laws leading the regulation changes, including the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, Germany’s Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, and Canada’s Modern Slavery Act, among others. Prepare yourself to tackle this developing area of regulation.


Our ACC Team

Ashleigh Allione, Associate

Ronn Davids, Partner

Paul Debolt, Partner

Mary Gardner, Partner

Rob Hartwell, Partner

Michael Joblove, Partner

Elizabeth Lowe, Partner

Elizabeth Manno, Partner

Kan Nawaday, Partner

Lindsay Nathan, Partner

Jim Nelson, Partner

Jenn Reddien, Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Janice Ryan, Partner

Ryan Sweigard, Counsel 

A.J. Zottola, Partner